Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Using Stricter Background Checks Can Reduce The Amount Of...

According to a report by the Switzerland-based Small Arms Survey, the United States has about 35-50 percent of the world’s civilian-owned guns and has less than 5 percent of the world’s population. With no restriction and so much freedom, firearms can be distributed throughout the United States illegally and obtained as easy as buying it from a person, disregarding all gun laws. Implementing stricter background checks can help reduce the amount of crime relating to gun violence. It can also keep firearms away from those who shouldn’t have possession of them. The issue of gun control begins with the careless distribution of firearms and how easy they are to obtain. In the United States, many mass killings by gunmen in civilian settings set†¦show more content†¦However, other places are more lenient on the firearm laws. As seen in Israel, â€Å"The entire population has indirect access to an assault weapon by either being a soldier or a reservist or a rel ative of one.†(Masters). Their government believes that with relatively less strict gun regulations, the civilians can happily own firearms with small requirements to register ownership for guns. Israel believes that restricting the people’s firearm laws can cause more issues. As a result of their laid-back laws, they have a low gun-related homicide rate. Many laws, regulations, and government programs directly impact the issue of gun control as well. The Federal Government is in charge of the gun control laws and pass the majority of them. However, sometimes the laws they create do not succeed as they expect them to. For example, gun buy-back programs were created to reduce the number of firearms owned by civilians and to provide a process where people can sell firearms without the risk of prosecution. Phillips et al. stated, â€Å"Cities in the USA continue to use the programme in response to high-profile incidents, such as the shooting in Newtown, CT, despite a lack of evidence that the programme will succeed in reducing violent crime†(249). As gun buy-backs were an important step to reducing the amount of firearms, many illegal weapons stillShow MoreRelatedShould Stricter Gun Laws Be Banned?1690 Words   |  7 Pagesterrible event. It is hard to ever put yourself in the position of someone has experienced loss from a shooting until you have actually experienced it. As I think of the boy I mentored and all the victim’s families that were affected, I wonder if stricter gun laws would have stopped the shooting that day? Or would the gunman still have been able to commit such an unspeakable act? We often see too much gun related violence in today’s news. Throughout the years we have seen a large increase of shootingsRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1342 Words   |  6 PagesThe Amendments were placed in order to serve as a standing point to which laws are placed so that the United States of America is a Democracy and not that of Communistic behaviors. Adding gun regulations does not decrease gun violence, nor do background checks ensure the safety that all gun antagonists so dearly wish for. Violence is the overall term and gun violence is merely the umbrella term for which it falls underneath. Violence will always be prevalent regardless of what weapon or kind of violenceRead MorePersuasive Essay On Gun Control1745 Words   |  7 Pagesof. The average American in the right mindset should not want to own anything more than one handgun or rifle for hunting or protecting their household. Gun control reform that limits gun ownership, enforces mandatory background checks, and bans the sale of certain weapons will reduce the number of gun related death in the United States. There needs to be law about how many guns a person should own. The only two reasons for owning a gun are for hunting or defense of household from intruders. PeopleRead MoreGun Control And The Amendment Of The Us Constitution1439 Words   |  6 Pagesenvironment, or whether guns and gun availability correlate with increasing violent crime. Violent crime in the United States has been steadily declining for over the past two decades. However, most serious violent crime in the United States is perpetrated with guns and statistics have indicated a sharp increase in 2015. By proposing a gun crime prevention strategy to reduce such serious violent crime, violent crime will dramatically decrease. Problems surface with the increase of gun availability/useRead MorePersuasive Essay On Gun Control1424 Words   |  6 Pagesgunpowder in the 9th century which lead to the creation of guns. A repeating firearm is a firearm that holds more that one cartridge and can be fired more than once between chargings. Gun control should be enforced more because it will help prevent violence, it can help stop crime, and although some people may argue that gun control should not be enforced because guns can help save people’s lives but they are wrong because people misuse guns. Gun control should be enforced more because it willRead MoreGun Violence And Mass Shootings1349 Words   |  6 PagesGun violence, and solutions to decrease the amount of gun violence and mass shootings, has always been an issue in Presidential elections, and 2016 is no exception. In a country where there have been, according to a study by the CDC and reported by CNN, there have been over 406,000 American gun deaths from 2001 to 2015, compared to the number of Americans killed by terrorist attacks, slightly over 3,000 in that same timeframe (Bower and Jones). Every candidate running for the Presidency has theirRead MoreEssay on Gun Control1399 Words   |  6 Pageskilled. Almost as many civilians are killed with guns in the U.S every month,† (Ruben, Alan). It nearly sounds impossible how 2,555 days of war amounts to 30 days of a living environment in America. Guns should only be able to be purchased in stores and not locally because they cannot be given to irresponsibl e or dangerous people, easier to enforce background checks, and this would be a great substitute instead of banning guns. Guns should only be able to be purchased in stores and not locally becauseRead MoreEssay about A Stricter Gun Control Policy in America823 Words   |  4 Pagesthat the killer couldnt get the guns, but in the other hand, if the teacher has guns, they could probably stop the killing. For this problem, we need a stricter gun control policy. We should do more background check and have a very hard test on gun usage. So everyone who uses the gun knows their responsibility, and I believe this will greatly reduce the gun violence in the U.S. Gun control is necessary because there are too many people who are killed by gun. According to the Brady Campaign, â€Å"EveryRead MoreThe Discussion Of Gun Control3088 Words   |  13 Pagesbenefit on society. One one hand, gun regulation proponents believe that stricter regulations restricting the types of firearms and ammunition that can be purchased will reduce the amounts of crimes and make society safer. One the other hand, gun regulation opponents argue that stricter regulations infringe on the rights of citizens and only endanger society more. So what is the answer to the question? Should there be stricter regulations on gun control or not? The gun debate is an issue that has beenRead MoreArgumentative Essay : Gun Control Essay1000 Words   |  4 Pagespossible restrictions and regulations. Gun talks are discussed with the question, â€Å"Will controlling guns cut back on violent crime rates?† Although many guns are open to be sold to the public over 18, there are traditional gun laws that limit who can own them. These laws include sell restrictions to the mentally disabled, the age in which you can obtain a gun, background checks, and dishonorably discharged military personnel. Gun control laws could have a positive effect in America by reducing homicide

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