Thursday, August 27, 2020

HIPPA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

HIPPA - Essay Example Perusing current bulletins and diaries would be vital since it gives update data on the new patterns. The exploration would likewise envelop researching how different related organizations or associations utilize the HIPAA rules and guidelines (Luxton, Kayl and Mishkind, 2012). While at this, I will be enthusiastic about the qualities and shortcomings of these associations to guarantee that the new practice change any blunders. Moreover, staff in the association should likewise be met to know their discernments or perspectives towards the new approach (Luxton, Kayl and Mishkind, 2012). I would likewise concentrate how the association has endeavored to conform to the HIPAA. All these will give a decent head start. I will have the option to plan an arrangement for the use of the HIPAA. Likewise, so as to guarantee consistence, I would exhort the doctor about the security measures of HIPAA. They request that they have the commitment of making sure about the patient electronic clinical data (Luxton, Kayl and Mishkind, 2012). It ought to be finished by utilizing a progression of strategies and components that target reestablishing the secrecy, accessibility and trustworthiness of the data. In other words, that the doctor is responsible of the clinical data about the patient. For a situation of any inconsistency, the doctor will be considered capable (Luxton, Kayl and Mishkind, 2012). The new clinical practice area ought to be in a spot enough security that will give abundant insurance to both the electronic media and different archives. The data here is the one that is gathered, kept up, utilized and transmitted by the doctor (Luxton, Kayl and Mishkind, 2012). The general professional must realize that the more discrete the new practice is with respect to the clinical data of patients, the more dependable it will turn into. HIPAA controls the way where a doctor can utilize and reveal the wellbeing

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Hazard Identification and Control Essays

Danger Identification and Control Essays Danger Identification and Control Paper Danger Identification and Control Paper The initial step assessing dangers distinguishing proof and control is searching for the perils. Taking a gander at the Wal-bazaar organization there are different dangers which have been identified.â The perils were coming from mulch to milk and lights to clothing cleanser. A portion of the recognized unsafe mixes of the organization were discharged from elastic mulch and tire pieces. Compound distinguished from elastic morsels included buylated hydroxyanisole, benzothiazole 4 â€t (- octyl) phenol and n â€hexadecane. These mixes were probably going to cause different issues in the assemblages of its laborers and by and large occupants for example benzothiazole could cause eye and skin disturbance, hurtful whenever gulped. Butylated hydroxyanisole can cause cancer-causing agent, suspected endocrine toxicant, teratogenic toxicant, immunotoxicant, gastrointestinal toxicant, neurotoxicant, and sense-organ and skin toxicant.â N-hexadecane could cause extreme aggravation dependent on creature and human examinations. : The tire elastic additionally discharged zinc, lead and cadmium into the ground water. Significant levels of zinc are phytotoxic when they enter the ground soil or water. Tire elastic additionally discharges tire dust and the synthetic concoctions which are contained in the residue are seen to be inconvenient to the lungs. Cancer-causing agents are found in the residue that representing the danger of disease. Elastic morsels additionally cause unfavorably susceptible reactions on the grounds that sharpened people will in general react to exposures particularly when there is a higher number of kids experiencing asthma today hypersensitive reactions are for the most part brought about by introduction to elevated levels of latex. Human and condition wellbeing inc. communicates worries about potential perils that may result from reused tires along these lines making buyers to think profoundly before putting elastic much close or around their pets or youngsters. Elastic tire manufactures are essentially ascribed to the presentation to cleans and synthetic concoctions. Proceeded with utilization of morsels and reused tire shreds in cultivating, athletic fields and play grounds includes immediate and rehashed exposures for the two grown-ups and kids synthetic and tire dust which are like those in tire plants (, 2010). Wal-Mart Company has satisfactory peril stock framework. For instance it has got some specified development reaction and incidental discharge counteraction strategies. These strategies control the organization against presentation to synthetics. It likewise has the fixed source and managed treatment of substances.â It additionally has got relief measures and authoritative controls to constrain separations for each revealed situation. The stock framework likewise has explicit anticipation methodology joined by a general avoidance program on unplanned. The stock framework likewise bears a portion of the arranged changes to improve security and the rise reaction program. There are a few strategies utilized by the Wal-Mart organization in forestalling and controlling its perils. For example the organization uses anhydrous alkali as a refrigerant. Its utilization requires some security precautionary measures for the organization consistently endeavors to forestall presentation to all its work force, close by individuals from the encompassing network and the current common assets to limit potential discharges the organization rehearses ceaseless, exact preparing on different wellbeing methodology and gadgets. It additionally guarantees that entrance to the offices is just limited to the office laborers workers. It additionally guarantees that the most extreme measure of smelling salts at this particular office is 45 thousand pounds in light of the fact that those are the cutoff points set by IIAR proposals. The most dire outcome imaginable is seen to be ther disappointment of the biggest vessel or middle of the road pressure distribution. Walmart organization had successful stock for it has seen a diminishing in wokday episode rates this stock has a few shortcomings for instance how was it feasible for the organization to sell chinese wristbands and pendants which had cadmium. There are different manners by which walmart controls its dangers. One is through the engneering controls whereby the risk is controlled from its source. The other technique is wellbeing work rehearses this will incorporate the general guidelines at the work place. The other strategy is the adminstration controls. This will incorporate things like exercise breaks, revolution of laborers and extra relif representatives or laborers. Risks are likewise pprevented through close to home defensive gear. PPE is powerful for the control of perils particularly while engneering and adminstrative controls are being introduced. There ought to be a PPE preparing and appraisal. The appraisal will set principles working methodology for all the faculty and furthermore train workkers on a portion of the defensive constraints of the PPE. The other strategy is framework track danger rectification. This is the thecorrectionof a portion of the risks which happen in spite of the control and counteraction program. Workers writes about mishap examination advertisement harzards give space to recommendatiomns about dangers rectification. The activity to be  analysed is distribution center chaperon at the Walmart’s organization. The activity includes lifting and pressing of containers refrigerators, green items and some more. Major harzards incorporate chilliness from the low temperature items, substantial load of the containers andother items, and long overwhelming working hours. This may result into hurting backs and pneumonia brought about by the taking care of ofâ low temperature products. Preventive estimates remember a defensive rigging for the hand, eyes andears. The other preventive proportion of the representatives tireness and substantial the organization can recruit more representatives to ensure that there are shifts whereby laborers will have a chance to unwind (, 2010). References (2010). Wal-mart’s Earth Month and Rubber Mulch. Recovered on May fourteenth from earth-month-and-elastic mulch.html (2010).Job Hazars Analysis. Recovered on may fourteenth fromâ

Friday, August 21, 2020

How To Write a Good Introduction For an Essay

How To Write a Good Introduction For an Essay Essay introductions can be the hardest part of the writing process. Youve done the research, crafted your arguments but how do you begin? How do you get readers interested in what you have to say? How do you avoid being too general, too academic or too boring? A good introduction sets the tone and context for your argument in a way thats concise, clear and interesting. A tall order. Here are some tips for delivering a great essay introduction: Start With an Anecdote Stories and anecdotes lend a personal touch to an introduction. Readers would rather hear something they can relate to than jump into a sea of academic wordiness: In 1995, when I was 22, I hiked the Appalachian Trail. Back then, there were warnings about brown bears and a set of protocols to follow to avoid running into one. When pushing through a particularly difficult day, I ended up hiking through the night to make my days distance goal. I broke protocol. And found myself face-to-face with a brown bear on a rock cliff in the dark. Today theres no longer a chance for such encounters as the brown bear population has been all but decimated along the Appalachian Mountain chain. By giving the reader a background story, theyre now emotionally invested in learning more about the topic. Find a Killer Quote Sometimes a quote can sum up the essence of your argument like nothing else. If this is the case, then by all means, use one. For instance, an essay that argues that Christians dont follow Christian values could use a quote by Gandhi, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” This quote has the benefit of not only being concise and clear, but it was stated by one of the most admired public figures in history. Just make sure not to use quotes that have become cliches. That will detract from your introduction instead of adding to it. Use Statistics and Facts Using facts and statistics helps establish your authority on the topic. Theyre also useful in getting the readers attention and helping them understand why something is important. For instance, “Today, there are over 15,000 child soldiers in South Sudan.” A sentence like this makes the reader understand the gravity of the situation youll be talking about. It gives them a sense of scope and measurement. Ask a Question A question has the benefit of tempting the reader to answer it. It gets them involved in your essay and makes them feel like youre speaking to them. Its a great technique to get people to read on. If its a polemical topic, even better. Ex: Are we responsible for stopping climate change? You can bet that a lot of readers will fall on one or other side of this issue. And therefore be tempted to read on to see if they agree or disagree with your take on the subject. State Your Thesis After you get readers interested with any of the above techniques, its time to hit them with your thesis. A thesis is the summary of your essays argument. It deserves time and attention to get it right. The thesis is a statement that is crafted so that it could be argued for or against. Ex: “The best way to prevent crime is to impose harsher sentences.” One could argue for or against this statement. A Word About Length An introduction should consist of about 1/10 of the total word count. So, for a 500 word essay, the introduction should be about 50 words. As you write more essays, youll get a feel for the appropriate length. It shouldnt be too short, otherwise you probably havent worked enough on crafting the hook. Nor should it dominate the essay. The majority of your essay is going to consist of your argument and research. Find the balance. A great essay introduction reels the reader in with an interesting story, a fact or statistic, a question to be answered or a quote that sums up your argument well. And, of course, the introduction includes your well-crafted thesis statement. Good luck and happy writing!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Essay on Achiles’ Shield in the Iliad - 3993 Words

Achiles’ Shield as an Element of Contradistinction in the Iliad The Iliad is an epic of death. It is a tale of conflict, battle, agony, and horrific mutilation. Honor and glory are attained through warfare. The great shield of Achiles stands out in this context because it depicts the glories of an orderly, functioning, productive civilization. This depiction of life stands in stark contrast to the scenes of death that constitute a large portion of the narrative. An examination of the shield of Achiles in Homer’s Iliad reveals many ideas in conflict: love and honor, the pleasures of life versus a heroic death, free will and destiny. By viewing the shield as an element of contradistinction—that is to define it on the basis of†¦show more content†¦The shield of Nestor can be viewed as representing the importance of familial bonds and cooperation betwen generations and embodies this role which Nestor plays for the Achaians (Atchity 148-49): â€Å"So he [Nestor] spoke, and took up the wrought shield of his son / Thrasymede s, breaker of horses. It lay in the shelter / al shining in bronze. Thrasymedes caried the shield of his father† (book 14, lines 9–11). Nestor is the oldest and one of the wisest of the Greeks fighting in Troy. Although his physical strength has waned in his old age, he stil embodies the spirit and bravery of a great warior. He inspires the younger generation to go courageously into batle. The younger wariors honor and respect Nestor. This cooperation betwen generations is exemplified by father and son exchanging armor as they take on the enemy. Odyseus and Telemachos provide another example of father and son arming together as they prepare to fight the suitors in The Odysey. Atchity points out that the shield of brave Aias â€Å"is make by the best of al mortal artisans. The artifact perfectly identifies Aias. His solid mortality is contrasted with the semidivinity of Achiles†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (155). As Aias wilingly and confidently goes head to head with Hektor, he is armed with a fine shield created by a gifted mortal craftsman. By contrast, Achiles, son of the goddes Thetis, is given armor forged by Hephaistos, the god of fire. With such godly armorShow MoreRelated Homers Iliad Essay3961 Words   |  16 PagesHomers Iliad The Iliad is an epic of death. It is a tale of conflict, batle, agony, and horific mutilation. Honor and glory are atained through warfare. The great shield of Achiles stands out in this context because it depicts the glories of an orderly, functioning, productive civilization. This depiction of life stands in stark contrast to the scenes of death that constitute a large portion of the narative. An examination of the shield of Achiles in Homer’s Iliad reveals many ideas in conflict:

Thursday, May 14, 2020

A Brief Look at the Philosophy of Descartes Essay - 823 Words

When Descartes created the Method of Doubt his main mission was to develop a method that would bring him to the real truth. It was important that his initial beliefs were absolute. If any of them were in doubt, then it put the entire structure of knowledge at risk. Thus, Descartes developed a method to get rid of those beliefs of which he could not be completely being confident in them. This process is called the Method of Doubt. The first action to do while using the Method of Doubt is using the skeptical Method of Doubt. Then one must use the optimistic phase where one can restore the arrangement of knowledge based upon the truths that remained after taking these steps of his Method of Doubt. The main question with Descartes’s method†¦show more content†¦It’s such a long period of time we do not remember what was going on through the mind. Descartes then mentions maybe we were not even thinking at all. His goal is to discovery a footing on which all other kno wledge can be collected. He agrees with Plato that knowledge needs to have certainty. But, then again, disagrees with the fact that the real world is not knowable. Descartes questions to stop thinking are to no longer exist? Descartes would state that even though we may not recall what we were dreaming, we were definitely having something going on throughout our thoughts. Throughout our life there are many things we cannot look back on because we do not remember what we were thinking at that time. It is possible that being woken in the middle of the night by a loud noise and be right in the middle of a crazy thought and still we might not remember a thing. Even though we cannot remember any thought before we wake, we know that there was because we heard the noise and woke up. If we look back on our past there are times we do not remember. For example, we do not remember being born or events that occurred while we were infants but that does not mean that we were not thinking at that time. One can assume that thinking means that there is a physical being but Descartes was still not so certainShow MoreRelatedThe Mind Body Problem, By Rene Descartes Essay1331 Words   |  6 Pages Mind-Body Problem Oluwadamilola Kamson Philosophy 101: Introduction to Philosophy November 2016 INTRODUCTION The Mind-body problem dates back to Plato and was well received by the scholastic philosophers. However, it was Rene Descartes the famous French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist. The mind-body problem is not, of course, a single problem at all, but a large collection of problems which focuses upon the fundamental issue of reality and knowledge in so far as such analysisRead MoreThe Relationship of the Mind and the Body: The Person1071 Words   |  5 Pagesfunctions as usual, and in the same manner as if it was still in union with its partner? 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Descartes deniedRead MoreAthanasia: Human Impermanence and the Journey for Eternal Life in the Epic of Gilgamesh1740 Words   |  7 Pageswith mortals, the status of immortality means a complete separation from humanity. â€Å"I could imagine that I had no body, and that there was no world nor any place that I occupied, but that I could not imagine for a moment that I did not exist.† (Descartes 21) With everything considered thus far, The Epic of Gilgamesh is proof of mankind’s ingenuity and aptitude for fantasy and lore. The epic is amongst the oldest works of human literature. The fable is a work of literary art that is focused on mankindsRead MoreProtecting the Welfare of Nonhuman Animals1606 Words   |  7 Pageskingdom has them by analogy’. Aquinas did however place emphasis on the effect harming animals had on humans arguing that cruelty to animals would inevitably lead to cruelty against humans. Most western philosophers accepted this view, most notably, Descartes expanded this view, advocating that man could not commit crimes against animals as they were merely automata . They had no soul, were not conscious, able to suffer and had no language. The result of which was to allow man a complete disregard forRead MoreLanguage and the Destiny of Man12402 Words   |  50 PagesÅžtefan Afloroaei / Descartes and the â€Å"metaphysical dualism† Descartes and the â€Å"metaphysical dualism†: Excesses in interpreting a classic* Al.I. Cuza University of Iasi Abstract The article focuses on one of the most serious accusations brought against Descartes and modern philosophy, namely â€Å"the dualism of substance†. The accusers claim that the human body and soul were viewed as completely separate; consequently, their relationship as such and the united being of man become incomprehensible. AsRead MoreAnimal Testing (Speech Outline)1200 Words   |  5 Pagesfirst look at the problem of animal testing.) br brbBody/b br brI. As I have mentioned, the question on animal testing was posed even as early as the 17th century, according to the All For Animals Newsletter. brA. According to this newsletter, Philosopher Jeremy Bentham rejected philosopher Rene Descartes theory that because animals have no reasoning that humans have, they therefore cannot feel pain or suffering. br1. But Bentham went further in this issue, rejecting Descartes idea

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Using Stricter Background Checks Can Reduce The Amount Of...

According to a report by the Switzerland-based Small Arms Survey, the United States has about 35-50 percent of the world’s civilian-owned guns and has less than 5 percent of the world’s population. With no restriction and so much freedom, firearms can be distributed throughout the United States illegally and obtained as easy as buying it from a person, disregarding all gun laws. Implementing stricter background checks can help reduce the amount of crime relating to gun violence. It can also keep firearms away from those who shouldn’t have possession of them. The issue of gun control begins with the careless distribution of firearms and how easy they are to obtain. In the United States, many mass killings by gunmen in civilian settings set†¦show more content†¦However, other places are more lenient on the firearm laws. As seen in Israel, â€Å"The entire population has indirect access to an assault weapon by either being a soldier or a reservist or a rel ative of one.†(Masters). Their government believes that with relatively less strict gun regulations, the civilians can happily own firearms with small requirements to register ownership for guns. Israel believes that restricting the people’s firearm laws can cause more issues. As a result of their laid-back laws, they have a low gun-related homicide rate. Many laws, regulations, and government programs directly impact the issue of gun control as well. The Federal Government is in charge of the gun control laws and pass the majority of them. However, sometimes the laws they create do not succeed as they expect them to. For example, gun buy-back programs were created to reduce the number of firearms owned by civilians and to provide a process where people can sell firearms without the risk of prosecution. Phillips et al. stated, â€Å"Cities in the USA continue to use the programme in response to high-profile incidents, such as the shooting in Newtown, CT, despite a lack of evidence that the programme will succeed in reducing violent crime†(249). As gun buy-backs were an important step to reducing the amount of firearms, many illegal weapons stillShow MoreRelatedShould Stricter Gun Laws Be Banned?1690 Words   |  7 Pagesterrible event. It is hard to ever put yourself in the position of someone has experienced loss from a shooting until you have actually experienced it. As I think of the boy I mentored and all the victim’s families that were affected, I wonder if stricter gun laws would have stopped the shooting that day? Or would the gunman still have been able to commit such an unspeakable act? We often see too much gun related violence in today’s news. Throughout the years we have seen a large increase of shootingsRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1342 Words   |  6 PagesThe Amendments were placed in order to serve as a standing point to which laws are placed so that the United States of America is a Democracy and not that of Communistic behaviors. Adding gun regulations does not decrease gun violence, nor do background checks ensure the safety that all gun antagonists so dearly wish for. Violence is the overall term and gun violence is merely the umbrella term for which it falls underneath. Violence will always be prevalent regardless of what weapon or kind of violenceRead MorePersuasive Essay On Gun Control1745 Words   |  7 Pagesof. The average American in the right mindset should not want to own anything more than one handgun or rifle for hunting or protecting their household. Gun control reform that limits gun ownership, enforces mandatory background checks, and bans the sale of certain weapons will reduce the number of gun related death in the United States. There needs to be law about how many guns a person should own. The only two reasons for owning a gun are for hunting or defense of household from intruders. PeopleRead MoreGun Control And The Amendment Of The Us Constitution1439 Words   |  6 Pagesenvironment, or whether guns and gun availability correlate with increasing violent crime. Violent crime in the United States has been steadily declining for over the past two decades. However, most serious violent crime in the United States is perpetrated with guns and statistics have indicated a sharp increase in 2015. By proposing a gun crime prevention strategy to reduce such serious violent crime, violent crime will dramatically decrease. Problems surface with the increase of gun availability/useRead MorePersuasive Essay On Gun Control1424 Words   |  6 Pagesgunpowder in the 9th century which lead to the creation of guns. A repeating firearm is a firearm that holds more that one cartridge and can be fired more than once between chargings. Gun control should be enforced more because it will help prevent violence, it can help stop crime, and although some people may argue that gun control should not be enforced because guns can help save people’s lives but they are wrong because people misuse guns. Gun control should be enforced more because it willRead MoreGun Violence And Mass Shootings1349 Words   |  6 PagesGun violence, and solutions to decrease the amount of gun violence and mass shootings, has always been an issue in Presidential elections, and 2016 is no exception. In a country where there have been, according to a study by the CDC and reported by CNN, there have been over 406,000 American gun deaths from 2001 to 2015, compared to the number of Americans killed by terrorist attacks, slightly over 3,000 in that same timeframe (Bower and Jones). Every candidate running for the Presidency has theirRead MoreEssay on Gun Control1399 Words   |  6 Pageskilled. Almost as many civilians are killed with guns in the U.S every month,† (Ruben, Alan). It nearly sounds impossible how 2,555 days of war amounts to 30 days of a living environment in America. Guns should only be able to be purchased in stores and not locally because they cannot be given to irresponsibl e or dangerous people, easier to enforce background checks, and this would be a great substitute instead of banning guns. Guns should only be able to be purchased in stores and not locally becauseRead MoreEssay about A Stricter Gun Control Policy in America823 Words   |  4 Pagesthat the killer couldnt get the guns, but in the other hand, if the teacher has guns, they could probably stop the killing. For this problem, we need a stricter gun control policy. We should do more background check and have a very hard test on gun usage. So everyone who uses the gun knows their responsibility, and I believe this will greatly reduce the gun violence in the U.S. Gun control is necessary because there are too many people who are killed by gun. According to the Brady Campaign, â€Å"EveryRead MoreThe Discussion Of Gun Control3088 Words   |  13 Pagesbenefit on society. One one hand, gun regulation proponents believe that stricter regulations restricting the types of firearms and ammunition that can be purchased will reduce the amounts of crimes and make society safer. One the other hand, gun regulation opponents argue that stricter regulations infringe on the rights of citizens and only endanger society more. So what is the answer to the question? Should there be stricter regulations on gun control or not? The gun debate is an issue that has beenRead MoreArgumentative Essay : Gun Control Essay1000 Words   |  4 Pagespossible restrictions and regulations. Gun talks are discussed with the question, â€Å"Will controlling guns cut back on violent crime rates?† Although many guns are open to be sold to the public over 18, there are traditional gun laws that limit who can own them. These laws include sell restrictions to the mentally disabled, the age in which you can obtain a gun, background checks, and dishonorably discharged military personnel. Gun control laws could have a positive effect in America by reducing homicide

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Dish Washing free essay sample

I walk into the restaurant Red Robin, wait for my name to be called by the host and sit down in a booth with comfortable red seats. All of a sudden a man sits next to me wearing an apron soaking with water, wiping sweat from his face. Its my brother, Zachary Walsh. Zach states â€Å" Man, I hate Saturday nights, too damn busy! †. What was Zach doing? Zach is a dish machine operator, or in restaurant terms, a DMO. Washing dishes you say, that sounds easy! I am afraid not my friends. Washing dishes is one of the most under appreciated jobs. Just ask the manager him self, who by the way is my Uncle. My Uncle states, â€Å" If it wasnt for the DMO this place would be a **** whole. DMOs work their *** off and their the ones who keep things running behind the scenes. † With only a thirty minute break from washing dishes, I thank my brother for taking this time to answer questions because I know he would much rather be doing other things. We will write a custom essay sample on Dish Washing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Things like enjoying his food, staying hydrated and getting his mind off washing dishes. My brother is a good guy and thats a good thing for Red Robin because the DMOs do the most work for the smallest pay. Here at Red Robin, the DMOs are the bottom of totem pole. They usually get no breaks, the only time they do is if they work a double, they get paid the least and have to be stuck in the back of the kitchen where they cannot really talk to any one. â€Å" It was the worst thing Ive ever done when I first started, but honestly you get use to it and after a while you start making friends. Luckily for me, Red Robin is a great environment and everyone is pretty chill. † Zach says, smiling, probably thinking back on all the days he use to come home and complain and threaten to quit. As stated before, a life of a DMO is not an easy one. For the most part of this interview, Zach was calm, but when he talked about what a DMO does, he got intense telling what they do. â€Å" I hate it, when I tell people Im a DMO they usually just laugh. People do not understand that I have to wash tons of dishes and then after you put those dishes in the machine to wash, you have to go put the cleans ones away and usually you have to walk all the way across the kitchen to do this. When you have to put the dishes away, more dishes keep on coming in and this leads to a build up of plates and other things that you have to wash and it sucks! Luckily, the other staff understands Zachs job and they are usually nice about it. The key word there though.. † he pauses, and looks back to what seems to be the front of the kitchen and finishes â€Å" is usually. † Washing dishes gets Zach paid nine dollars an hour. Zachs been working at Red Robin for a year and half now and still has not gotten a raise. Zach says he is the lowest paid person there who has been working at Red Robin for over a year. The worst part about the hard working jobs at restaurants and farms is these types of jobs get paid the least even though they are doing the most work. At the same time, the person taking these jobs know this information before they get employed. In tough times like the one we are living in today, people will take any job they can get. Zach has recently just graduated from college and obviously needs to pay off those college loans. Being a DMO is not going to pay those loans off but it is a start. â€Å" I needed a job out of college right away and this was the only one I could find. It sucks but you got to do what you got to do. Before giving you the job they tell you its a sucky job and that you are going to hate it and I kind of took that as a challenge. As Zach goes to get a cup of water, my Uncle sits next to me and asks me what I was here for again. I explain to him the assignment and he sits there for a second to think. As Zach is coming back from getting water, my Uncle says, â€Å" Zach is the hardest working kid I have ever seen at Red Robin. He does the dirtiest job and never complains about it. We are sure damn lucky t o have him or we most likely be screwed. † As he hits Zach in the shoulder and gets up so Zach can sit down again. Zach smiles, and even though he knows he is doing a job that does not get any credit at all, he feels proud knowing hes made someone proud and most importantly, a family member proud. Zachs break is over and my Uncle allows me to go back to the kitchen with Zach as long as I do not get in the way. The DMO area is a messy one to say the least. With dishes all over the place, stains on the wall, water all over the floor, it is no wonder why people do not want this job. Zach can tell from the expression on my face that I was shocked to see the place so messy. â€Å" I told you our Uncle wasnt lying about it being a crappy job. This is actually clean compared to most Saturday nights, you should have seen last weeks mess, the place was flooded and the water was up to my ankles. And guess who had to take care of the problem? Yeah thats right, me! † This place really did feel like the worst job ever. Along with washing dishes and putting them away, DMOs had to do other tiny messy jobs in between washing dishes. DMOs had to take out the trash when it was full, clean the bathrooms if there was a flood, clean up spills made by costumers because the waitress or waiters were to â€Å"busy† and the worst one, clean throw up. To do this and clean dishes takes a very hard working kid or man to do. And luckily for Red Robin, they had there guy. â€Å"One time this group of about ten baseball players come in and two stupid clowns tried to see who could eat the most. Needless to say one of them threw up all over the place and I had to clean it up. The most embarrassing part was they were in their late thirties, most likely in a softball league. † On a typical Saturday night at Red Robin, there would be two DMOs. So why was Zach the only one on that night? Because people are lazy. † Zach laughs at his own joke and states â€Å" actually Im just kidding, I would probably quit if I could. Plus I couldnt give up on your Uncle. He gave me the job in the first place. † My brother shows me his hands and they are very pruny from working with the water and the soap. During the winter, when his hands would dry from being pruny, they would often crack and sometimes even bleed. This is all the norm wh en it comes to washing dishes, but people never see the little things that come in to play to make a restaurant run. Another terrible part about Zachs job is closing. Who ever is the DMO that night is usually the last one to leave the restaurant, along with the manager. The DMO has to clean every last dish and also help put them away. Out side there are around ten to fifteen trash bags filled with disgusting food and other restaurant supplies that have to be walked across the parking lot and into the dumpster. â€Å" Then when you are all set to go home and you get into your car, you realize you smell so bad and cannot wait to take a shower. Man, that shower feels great every night! † As Im about to leave Red Robin, one of the waiters shouts to the back of the kitchen â€Å" Hey Zach, can you clean up table 83? A baby just knocked down a glass of beer. I would pick it up but I got so many tables tonight. † After Zach hears the question, it seems like he does not even listen to the waiters excuse. Right away he stops washing dishes and grabs the mop and heads to clean up the mess. â€Å"Yup, you got to love being a DMO† he says in a sarcastic tone and walks away, going to do his job.